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In his sound baths, Brent incorporates instruments like gongs, crystal bowls, the handpan, drums, Native American flute and chimes to create a healing environment for the participants. 


These powerful and ancient tools take you on a journey of deep healing, relaxation and bliss. A typical session includes intention setting, breathing exercises, meditation and deep relaxation. It is tailored specifically to the client and event, all ages welcome!


Some benefits of sound healing include:

  • Rejuvenates the Parasympathetic Nervous System (strengthens the ability to rest and digest)

  • Reduces stress, anxiety and depression  

  • Improves quality of sleep

  • Balances emotions 


Private Sound Healing (1 hour)

1 person: $125

2-5 people: $250

6-10 people: $325

11-15 people: $400

16-20 people: $500

Private Sound Healing Lessons (to become a Sound Healer)

$450 for 4 sessions (1 hour each)

Each session will begin with a short sound bath by me for you and end with a short sound bath by you for me, where I will give you feedback.


Skills and techniques will be covered for the specific instruments of each lesson. The idea is to get the full experience and to begin developing a relationship with holding space as a sound healer and to develop your own skills and unique offering. You will also receive a 12 page document on the Science of Sound Healing to study and read on your own!


Session 1:

Crystal Singing Bowls, Zaphir chimes, ocean drum


Session 2: 

Symphonic Gong, Shamanic drum, Handpan


Session 3: 

Crystal Singing Bowls, Wind Wand, Didgeridoo, Flow Chimes


Session 4:

Wind Gong, Native American flute, incorporating your own talents

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